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Family: Haloragaceae Scientific name: Myriophyllum aquaticum Description: Plant Form: Freshwater aquatic herb. Size: Up to 2 m long. Stem: Spreading, creeping or upright. Cluster together to form mats or masses. Leaves: Feather-like appearance in rings around stems, larger underwater, up to 4 cm long, bluish green. Flowers: Inconspicuous, tiny, white, with no petals, only 4 sepals (petal-like leaves). Fruit and Seeds: Not known to occur in Australia, reproduce vegetatively. Habitat: Slow moving streams and ponds, lakes, dams, wetlands. Distinguishing Features: Large bluish-green feather-like leaves are distinctive from native Myriophyllum species. Weed Status: Priority Weed Weed Type: Environmental, Invasive Garden Escapee Lifeform: Aquatic