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Family: Plumbaginaceae Scientific name: Limonium hyblaeum Description: Plant Form: Perennial rosette herb. Size: Up to 25 cm tall. Stem: Flowering stalks above rosette very slender and branching. Leaves: Dense clusters of circular green to red leaves, spiralling to form a rosette that's cushion like. Flowers: Pink or purple tube shaped, arranged along stems, forming clusters. Fruit and Seeds: Spreads by seed or vegetatively. Tiny seeds in membranous structures. Habitat: Coastal headlands, heath, marshes, dunes, gravel. Distinguishing Features: Leaves generally have wider ends than Sea lavender (Limonium companyonis), although that species will hybridize with Rock sea lavender (L. binervosum) which has similar leaves. Weed Status: Priority Weed Weed Type: Environmental, Invasive Garden Escapee Lifeform: Herbaceous