Powered by the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions
Family: Poaceae Scientific name: Bromus alopecuros Description: Plant Form: Annual tussock grass. Size: Up to 80 cm tall. Stem: Upright or spreading horizontally then bending abruptly upwards. Leaf sheath is hairy. Leaves: Blades 5-22 cm long, with a hairy surface. Flowers: In a stiff-branched inflorescence (panicle) that is 2-20 cm long and either open or tightly compacted. Fruit and Seeds: Smooth, hairless or hairy. With long (up to 1.5 cm) awns. Habitat: Cropping areas, grasslands, pastures, roadsides. Weed Status: Priority Weed Weed Type: Environmental, Agricultural Lifeform: Grassy