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Family: Salicaceae Scientific name: Salix cinerea Description: Plant Form Deciduous shrub or small tree. Size Up to 12 m tall. Stem Numerous upright maturing to drooping, hairy and dark reddish-brown when young maturing to greyish brown and grooved. Flexible but not easily breakable. Leaves Oval-shaped with pointed tip, dark green on top and bluish-green and hairy underneath. 2-9 cm long. Flowers Male flowers yellow with no petals, female green with no petals, soft and fluffy, grouped in clusters. Fruit and Seeds Capsule that splits in 2, containing seeds with long silky hairs. Habitat Riparian areas, wetlands, swamps, wet forests, drains, alpine bogs. Distinguishing Features Distinguished from Black willow (Salix nigra) by smaller size, having more stems, and, hairy leaves. Weed Status: Priority Weed Weed Type: Environmental, Agricultural, Common, Invasive Garden Escapee Lifeform: Shrubby, Woody/tree