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Family: Asparagaceae Scientific name: Asparagus macowanii var. zuluensis Description: Plant Form: Shrub. Size: 1-3 m tall. Stem: Pale grey or whitish when mature, with small spines. Leaves: Leaf-like cladodes 12-25 mm long, needle-like, hairless, usually curved and in a cluster of 20-30 along stem. Almost pom-pom like in appearance. Flowers: White to cream in dense clusters on short stalks. Fruit and Seeds: Round berries 6-10 mm across, green maturing to purple or pinkish red. Habitat: Forests, riparian areas, woodlands, roadsides, waste areas, coastal scrub. Distinguishing Features: Differentiated from other Asparagus ferns (Asparagus species) by the combination of small needle-like leaves, shrubby habit, and purplish ripe berries. Weed Status: Priority Weed Weed Type: Environmental Lifeform: Shrubby