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Family: Asteraceae Scientific name: Chondrilla juncea Description: Plant Form: Perennial herb. Size: Up to 1 m tall. Stem: Wiry, almost leafless. Leaves: Initially in a rosette, each leaf 4-20 cm long and deeply lobed, but soon disappearing; stem leaves few, small and reduced. Flowers: Yellow, of dandelion type with small tongue-shaped florets, in groups of 1-3, 3-4 mm diameter. Fruit and Seeds: 8-10 mm long, naked, with parachuting hairs 6-7 mm long. Habitat: Arid and semi-arid open scrubland and cropping land. Distinguishing Features: Wiry, bare stems and deeply lobed, short-lived rosette on ground distinguish it from Wild lettuces (Lactuca species). Weed Status: Priority Weed Weed Type: Agricultural, Common Lifeform: Herbaceous